Olivier Evrard

Role in Avatar: PI together with Christine Alewell

Main Expertise: soil erosion and sediment/contaminant transfers in river systems using a multi-proxy approach (including fallout radionuclides, geochemistry, colour, organic matter properties, environmental DNA,…)

Personal website and publications

 Christine Alewell

Role in Avatar: PI together with Olivier Evrard

Main Expertise: soil degradation assessment with isotopic tracers (radionuclides, stable isotopes, component specific isotopes), soil erosion modelling, soil biogeochemical and nutrient fluxes

Personal website and publications

Pierre Sabatier

Role in Avatar: PI of EDYTEM partner and Responsible for WP2  about lake sediment profiles

Main Expertise: Lake sediments, short-lived radionuclides for chronology, sedimentological and geochemical proxies, paleoenvironment, Earth Critical Zone

Personal website and publications

Olivier Cerdan

Role in Avatar: Co coordination of WP3 and WP4

Main Expertise: Soil science, Soil erosion modelling, geomorphology, Rivers, Sediments, Land Use Change, Global Change

Personal website and publications

Floriane Guillevic

Role in Avatar: PostDoc

Main Expertise: Trace metal contaminant in soil and lake sediment, metal transfer processes into the environment, stable isotopes.

Personal website and publications

Gerald Dicen

Role in Avatar: PhD student

Main Expertise: fallout radionuclides, stable isotopes, land degradation

Personal website and publications

Amaury Bardelle

Role in Avatar: PHD entitled “Reconstructing sediment transfers in large agricultural basins of South America during the Anthropocene through the coupling of soil erosion models and sediment core analyses”

Main Expertise: Soil sciences and ecosystemic services

Katrin Meusburger

Role in Avatar: Project partner

Main Expertise: Stable isotopes and fallout radionuclides as soil, sediment and water tracers - Environmental modelling and regionalization

Personal website and publications

Anthony Foucher

Role in Avatar: Soil/sediment cores collect and analyses

Main Expertise: Paleoenvironmental reconstructions using lake sequences, soil erosion and sediment export to rivers, sedimentary DNA, catchment monitoring

Personal website and publications

Rosalie Vandromme

Role in Avatar: WaterSed modeling, post-doctoral supervision

Main Expertise: Soil erosion modelling, geomorphology, soil and rock mechanics

Personal website and publications

Jérôme Poulenard

Role in AVATAR: Soil sampling, Soil and lake sediments relationships

Main Expertise: Soil genesis, Soil erosion, Sediment sources tracing, Infrared spectroscopy

Personal website and publications

Axel Birkholz

Role in Avatar: Technician

Main Expertise: Application of compound-specific stable isotopes of lipid biomarker to assess soil erosion, organic geochemistry, soil and lake sediment sampling, sample preparation

Personal website and publications

Fabien Arnaud

Role in Avatar: collection of legacy data, lake sediment sampling strategy and realisation, expert in sedimentology and geochronology

Main Expertise: reconstruction of past (10 to 10,000 years) environmental dynamics (hydrological patterns, erosion, weathering, pollutants dispersal, biodiversity changes) under geodynamic, climate and human forcing using lake sediment records.

Personal website and publicatios


Role in Avatar: PostDoc, analysis of short lived radionuclides from lake sediment, pesticides analysis

Main Expertise: Sampling and analysis of lake sediments, sedimentological and geochemical proxies, short-lived radionuclides, paleoenvironment, tectonics.


Role in AVATAR: lab technician, knowhow transfer, coordinating radioanalytics

Main Expertise: Radiochemistry, ultratrace analytics, knowledge transfer, coordinating analytical tasks, networking


Role in AVATAR : PostDoc

Main Expertise : Terrain analyses, soil erosion, weathering processes, regional inventory mapping, machine learning applications for natural hazards, and geomorphology.